Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Women Users Not Very Interested In Mobile TV

ComScore has released the results of a study that analyzed the usage of and customers' attitudes towards mobile TV in the US. Based on more than 2,000 users,
the study revealed that almost two out of three mobile TV users are male, and as much as half are below the age of 35.

This doesn't reveal anything new, as new technology is only adopted by the younger users while it’s still fresh on the market, and older users would rather just stick to what they're used to.

“While the use of Mobile TV is a growing trend among mobile phone users, its current devotees appear to be the early adopters of new technologies,” said Serge Matta, senior vice president of comScore Telecom Solutions. “As is the case with the majority of technology lifecycles, early adopters include many younger and male consumers. Once the early adopters have had a chance to fully engage with the technology and share their experiences with friends, relatives and colleagues, Mobile TV is substantially more likely to reach a critical mass in the marketplace.”

Also part of the study was the customers' awareness regarding certain mobile TV services. Most users showed interest for Verizon's V-CAST service (which should be by far the most popular anyway, considering how much it was anticipated), as little as 9 percent were aware of MobiTV and 3 percent knew that Modeo's service existed.

Customers also claimed that they prefer to watch traditional Mobile TV content comparing to modified, specialized content and most of the users favored watching entire TV shows and not a condensed version. When it comes to the specific content, most users were interested in news and not special programming like extreme sports.

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